Ministry Of Finance, Department Of Revenue


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Public Notice No Subject Date
No.01/2020 Customs - Terminal Handling Charges Levied by Shipping Lines - Regarding. 20-01-2020
No.02/2020 Customs - Levy and Collection of Social Welfare Surcharge (SWS) on imports under various schemes such as Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS), Services Exports from India Scheme (SEIS) etc - Regarding. 29-01-2020
No.03/2020 Implementation of PGA e-SANCHIT - Paperless Processing under SWIFT- Uploading of Licenses/Permits/Certificates/Other Authorizations (LPCOs) by PGAs - Regarding. 29-01-2020
No.04/2020 Customs - ICES Advisory 01/2020, dated 13.01.2020 - Registration and Application Process for all Stakeholders under the New Sea Cargo Manifest Transhipment Regulations (SCMTR) - Regarding. 04-02-2020
No.05/2020 Customs - Facilitation of clearance of import cargo - Late filling of Bills of Entry due to delay in receiving of documents from China - Regarding. 21-02-2020
No.06/2020 Customs - 24 X 7 Clearances - Regarding. 21-02-2020
No.07/2020 Customs - Amendment to Sea Cargo Manifest and Transshipment Regulations, 2018 - Issue of amendment to Public Notice - Regarding. 24-02-2020
No.08/2020 Revision of All Industry Rates (AIRs) of Duty Dawback - Regarding. 02-03-2020
No.09/2020 Implementation of automated clearance on All-India basis - Regarding. 03-03-2020
No.10/2020 Electronic sealing - Deposit in and removal of goods from Customs bonded Warehouses - Regarding. 06-03-2020
No.11/2020 Implementation of PGA eSANCHIT - Paperless Processing under SWIFT-Uploading of Licenses/Permits/Certificates?Other Authorizations (LPCOs) by PGAs - Regarding. 06-03-2020
No.12/2020 Schemes for Rebate of State and Central Taxes and Levies (RoSCTL) and Additional Ad-hoc Incentive for export of garments and made-ups - Regarding. 06-03-2020
No.13/2020 Customs - Trade Facilitation - Clearance of Import Cargo - possible delay in filing B/E due to precautionary measures on account of the outbreak of Corona Virus - Waiver of the late fee under Sec 46 (3) of the Customs Act, 1962 - Regarding. 26-03-2020
No.14/2020 Customs - Schemes of Rebate of State and Central Taxes and Levies (RoSCTL) and Additional AD-hoc Incentive for export of garments and made-ups - Regarding. 08-04-2020
No.15/2020 Measure to facilitate trade during the lockdown period - section 143AA of the Customs Act, 1962 - Regarding. 08-04-2020
No.16/2020 Implementation of automated clearance on All-India basis - Regarding. 09-04-2020
No.17/2020 Electronic Sealing - Deposit in and removal of goods from customs bonded warehouses - Regarding. 09-04-2020
No.18/2020 COVID-19 facilitation measures - Temporary provision for filling IGM/EGM without submission of hard copy - Regarding. 09-04-2020
No.19/2020 COVID-19 facilitation measures procedure for assesment incase of non submission of original country of origin certificates - Regarding. 09-04-2020
No.20/2020 Paperless Customs - Electronic Communication of PDF based Gatepass and OOC copy of bill of entry to Custom brokers / importers - Regarding. 15-04-2020
No.21/2020 Amendment of public notice No 19/2020-Cus dated 09.04.2020 on COVID19 facilitation measures procedure of assesment incase of nonsubmission of Original Country of Origin Certificates - Regarding. 21-04-2020
No.22/2020 Review of Circular No 17/2020 dated 03.04.2020 namely, Measures to facilitate trade during the lockdown period - section 143AA of the Customs Act 1962 - Regarding. 22-04-2020
No.23/2020 IGST refunds on exports extension in SB005 alternate mechanism - Regarding. 22-04-2020
No.24/2020 Electronics Sealing - Deposit in and removal of goods from customs boned warehouses - Regarding. 22-04-2020
No.25/2020 Customs Guidelines for conduct of personal hearnings in virtual mode under customs act 1962 - Regarding. 28-04-2020
No.26/2020 Customs - Review of circular No.17/2020 dated 03.04.2020 namely, Measure to facilitate trade during the lockdown period - section 143AA of the customs Act,1962 - Regarding. 12-05-2020
No.27/2020 Customs - Separate Option to waive Late Filing Charges - Regarding. 13-05-2020
No.28/2020 Electronic Sealing Deposit in and removal of goods from customs bonded warehouses - Regarding. 20-05-2020
No.29/2020 Review of circular No17/2020 dated 03.04.2020 namely Measure of facilitate tarde during the lockdown period section 143AA of the customs Act 1962 - Regarding. 29-05-2020
No.30/2020 Extension of validity of AEO certification for ease of renewal process - Regarding. 04-06-2020
No.31/2020 Modification to the public notice no13/2020-customs dated 26.03.2020 regarding facility of waiver of late fee for delayed filing of the Bill of entry - Regarding. 15-06-2020
No.33/2020 Customs Steamlining of processes in system related bonds and first check bills of entry - Regarding. 04-07-2020
No.34/2020 Turant Customs - Intiatives for contactiess customs - Regarding. 09-07-2020
No.35/2020 Turant Customs - Constitution of Turant Suvidha Kendras (TSKs) - Regarding. 15-07-2020
No.36/2020 Amendments to the all Industry Rates of duty drawback effective from 15.07.2020 - Regarding. 30-07-2020
No.37/2020 Revised procedure for import of Pets/Live Animals - Regarding. 19-08-2020
No.38/2020 Streamlining of UCQs in Bills of entry and shipping bills - Regarding. 19-08-2020
No.40/2020 Amendment to the manufacture and other operations in waehouse (no.2) regulations, 2019 - Regarding. 22-09-2020
No.41/2020 Manufacture and other Operations in special warehouse regulations, 2020 - Regarding. 22-09-2020
No.42/2020 Procedure to be followed in case of manufacturing or other operations undertaken in special warehouses under section 65 of the customs act - Regarding. 22-09-2020
No.43/2020 Customs - Amendment to Sea Cargo Manifest and Transshipment Regulations,2018-Issue of amendment to Public Notice - Regarding. 06-10-2020