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सीमा शुल्क आयुक्तालय (निवारक), विजयवाड़ा, वित्त मंत्रालय, राजस्व विभाग
Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue, Govt. of India
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Customs Brokers Licensing Regulations 2018
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CPIO & Appellate Authority Details
Inauguration of revamped and redesigned official website of Customs Commissionerate (Preventive), Vijayawada
Swachha Bharat Special Campaign 3.0
"Organ Donation Awareness Drive" - Customs Commissionerate (Preventive), Vijayawada
Sri. Sanjay Rathi, IRS
Chief Commissioner
Sri.Sadhu Narasimha Reddy,IRS
Public Notices
Standing Orders
Trade Facilitation Circulars
No.25/2024 - Officers designated as the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) and the Appellate Authorities, CPC Vijayawada
No.24/2024 - Officers designated as the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) and the Appellate Authorities, CPC Vijayawada
No.23/2024 - Digitization of Customs Bonded Warehouse procedures relating to obtaining Warehouse License, Bond to Bond Movement of warehoused goods, and uploading of Monthly Returns
No.22/2024 - Inviting applications under Regulation 4 of CBLR, 2018 for conducting the online written examination of customs brokers Licensing Examination, 2025
No.21/2024 - Officers designated as the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) and the Appellate Authorities, CPC Vijayawada
No.20/2024 - Implimentation of Sea Cargo Manifest and Transhipment Regulations (SCMTR)
No.19/2024 - Implimentation of automation in Customs (Import of Goods at Concessional Rate of Duty or for Specified End Use) Rules 2022 in respect of EOUs with effect from 01.09.2024
No.18/2024 - Conduct of G-Category examination for the year 2024 conducted under CBLR 2018 (as amended)
No.17/2024 - Officers designated as the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) and the Appellate Authorities for field formations under the jurisdiction of CPC Vijayawada
No.16/2024 - Officers designated as the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) and the Appellate Authorities, CPC Vijayawada
No.15/2024 - Launch of functionalities/features on Customs Brokers Licensing Mangement System(CBLMS)
No.14/2024 - Result of the online written examination for the year 2024 conducted under CBLR 2018 (as amended)
No.13/2024 - Amendment to the All India Rates of Duty Drawback effective from 03.05.2024
No.12/2024 - Conduct of G-Category Examination for the year 2024 under Regulation 13(5) of CBLR 2018
No.11/2024 - Officers designated as the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) and the Appellate Authorities for field formations under the jurisdiction of CPC Vijayawada Dt. 25.04.2024
No.10/2024 - Encouraging women participation in International Trade
No.09/2024 - Customs-IGST refund on export of certain tobacco products -Director General of Systems and Data Management Advisory No. 05/2024 dated 06.03.2024
No.08/2024 - Officers designated as the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) of CPC Vijayawada Dt. 06.03.2024
No.07/2024 - Officers designated as the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) and the Appellate Authorities for field formations under the jurisdiction of CPC Vijayawada Dt. 14-02-2024
No.06/2024 - Extension of Benifits to the Candidates who appeared in CBLR oral Examination conducted in May, 2019- Declaration of Result
No.05/2024 - Implementation of Section 16(4) of IGST Act related to Restriction on Export of Certain Goods on payment of IGST and coverage under Refund Mechanism
No.04/2024 - Allowing Implementation of Ex-Bond Shipping Bill in ICES 1.5 dated 31.01.2024
No.03/2024 - Online written Examination under Customs Brokers Licensing Regulations, 2018 (As amended) for 2024 - Scheduled Examination Date on 19.03.2024
No.02/2024 - Revision of All Industry Rates (AIRs) of Duty Drawback dated 30.01.2024
No.01/2024 - Customs- Reorganization of Jurisdiction of formations in Customs Commissionerate(Preventive), Vijayawada Dt. 02-01-2024
No.20/2023 - Officers designated as the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) and the Appellate Authorities for field formations under the jurisdiction of CPC Vijayawada Dt. 19-12-2023
No.19/2023 - Officers designated as the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) and the Appellate Authorities for field formations under the jurisdiction of CPC Vijayawada Dt. 30-11-2023
No.16/2023 - Officers designated as the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) and the Appellate Authorities for field formations under the jurisdiction of CPC Vijayawada Dt. 02-08-2023
No.14/2023 - Officers designated as the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) and the Appellate Authorities for Head Quarters Office and ICD Marripalem – Reg. Dt. 22-06-2023
No.13/2023 - Banking arrangements for collection of Customs Duty and payment of duty drawback in respect of ICD Marripalem, Code- INGNR6 Dt. 21-06-2023
No.11/2023 - Launch of ‘Online Payment’ functionality on CBLMS – Reg. Dt. 29-05-2023
No.10/2023 - Launch of ‘Manage CB Profile’ functionality of CBLMS to add OPS details by Nodal Officers in wrongly filed and validated CB profiles – Reg. Dt. 15-12-2017
No.41/2017 - Customs -Reorganisation of Customs Commissionerate (Preventive), Vijayawada consequent to transferring the customs functions hitherto handled by Central Excise Officers post implementation of GST-Reg Dt. 29-05-2023
No.01/2O23-Customs - Customs - Clearance of the perishable cargo with reference to CBIC Circular No.09/2023-Cus dated 30.03.2023 - Regarding. Dt.06-04-2023
No.02/2O23-Customs - Jacket with camera for use by the Vessel Boarding Officers at the Sea Ports under Vijayawada Customs Commissionerate - Procedure - Regarding. Dt.26-04-2023
No.02/2O22-Customs Customs - Valuation/ Assessment Practice in respect of export of Iron Ore Dt. 23-12-2022
No.01/2O20-Customs Customs - Levy and Collection of Social Welfare Surcharge (SWS) on imports under various schemes such as Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS), Services Exports from India Scheme (SEIS) etc - Regarding. Dt. 29-01-2020
Customs - Specification of Customs Area of International Airport, Vijayawada - Regarding
List of candidates eligible to appear in Customs Broker Licensing Examination, 2025
Minutes of Permanent Trade Facilitation Committee (PTFC) and Customs Clearance Facilitation Committee (CCFC) held on 22.05.2024
Minutes of Permanent Trade Facilitation Committee (PTFC) and Customs Clearance Facilitation Committee (CCFC) held on 29.04.2024
Customs - Self Sealing Permission-Procedure of granting self sealing permission to exporters- Certain Instructions
C.No.V/30/209/2012-CC(VZ) – E-Helpline E-Helpline in Zone for Trade and Industry – Communication of the order - Reg. Dt. 28-02-2023
Trade Notice No.1 of 2023 Implementation of Electronic Cash Ledger (ECL)- Difficulties being faced by Importers and Trade- Streamlining of clearance of goods - Reg. Dt. 13-04-2023
Trade Notice No.2 of 2023 Implementation of Electronic Cash Ledger (ECL)- Difficulties being faced by Importers and Trade- Streamlining of clearance of goods - Reg. Dt. 17-04-2023
Trade Notice No.3 of 2023 Implementation of Electronic Cash Ledger (ECL)- Difficulties being faced by Importers and Trade- Streamlining of clearance of goods - Reg. Dt. 17-04-2023
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