Ministry Of Finance, Department Of Revenue


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Standing Order No Subject Date
02 /2O17-Cus. Customs - Manual filing and processing of Bills of Entry / shipping bills - regarding. 16-06-2017
03 /2O17-Cus. Implementation of GST in Customs - Changes in BE/SB Declaration Reg. 29-09-2017
04 /2O17-Cus :Customs - Compliance with Board guidelines in Wood packing material in exports - regarding. 05-09-2017
05 / 2017: - Cus. Customs - Guidelines for provisional release of seized imported goods pending adjudication under Section 110A of the Customs Act, 1962-Certain guidelines for compliance - Regarding 28-08-2017
06 / 2017: - Cus. Customs - Clarification on difficulties related to recent amendments in Customs Act, 1962 -Regarding 05-09-2017
07 / 2017: - Cus Customs - Procedure for grant of self sealing permission to the Exporters in GST regime consequent to CBEC Circular No.26/20l7-Customs, dated 01/07/2017 &, 36/2017 Customs, dated 28/07/2017 - regarding. 06-09-2017
07 / 2017: - Cus Standing Order No 07 of 2017 Dt 25 09 2017 25-09-2017
08/2017Cus. Amendment to Customs Valuation Rules - Notification No. 91/2017 (NT) dated 26.9.2017 - Regarding. 05-10-2017
09/2017Cus. Refund of IGST paid on export of goods under Rules 96 of CGST Rules 2017 - Regarding. 13-10-2017
10/2017Cus Drawing of samples for the purpose of grant of drawback Regarding. 30-11-2017
11 /2017-Cus. Clarification on Customs (Import of Goods at Concessional Rate of Duty) Rules, 2017 - Regarding. 26-12-2017
12/2017-Cus. Refund/Claim of Countervailing duty as Duty Drawback Regarding. 26-12-2017