Ministry Of Finance, Department Of Revenue


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Standing Order No Subject Date
No. 01 /2O19 Customs-Accounts Banking arrangements for payment of duty drawback in respect of SRICITY SEZ-port (INTAS6) - under the jurisdiction of customs commissonerate (Preventive), Vijayawada under expenditure account of Pay & account officer, CGST & Customs, Tirupati - Regarding. 02-01-2019
No. 02 /2O19 Customs of Post Clearance Audit - Regarding. 02-01-2019
No.03/2O19 Customs - Accounts -Banking Arangements for collection of Customs Dutyh and payment of duty drawback under EDI System inrespect of ICD Reddypalem,Guntur (INRPL6)under the juridiction of Commissionerate of Customs (Preventive) Vijayawada, under revenue & expenditure account of Pay & Accounts officer, CGST & Customs, Guntur - Regarding. 23-04-2019
No. 04 /2O19 Stepping up of preventive vigilance mechanism by CBIC field formations during the 17th Lok Sabha election process - Regarding. 01-08-2019
No. 05 /2O19 Guidelines for disposal of Muriate of Potash (MoP) seized/condiscated by Customs - Regarding. 01-08-2019
No. 06 /2O19 Recovery of export benefits given under Incentive and Reward Schemes under Chapter 3 od FTP on re-import of exported goods - Regarding. 21-08-2019
No. 07 /2O19 Time limits for adjudication and Procedure to be adopted for processing adjudication files consequent to amendment in Section 28 of the Customs Act, 1962 - Regarding.
No. 08 /2O19 Generation and quoting of Document Identification Number (DIN) on any communication issued by the officers of the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) to tax payers and other concerned persons - Regarding. 22-11-2019