As per Notification No.01/2014 - Customs dated 18.11.2014, the jurisdiction of Customs Preventive Commissionerate, Vijayawada is:
The Shore Guard Customs Preventive Unit was formed with effect from 15.10.2014 as per Public Notice No.0112014- Customs d1.18.11.2A14 issued by the Commissioners of Customs (Preventive) Commissionerate, V'ljayawada from C.No. Vllll48121l2014-Cus.Tech read with Notification No.78/2014-Cus(NT), dt.16.09.2014 of Government of India and Public Notice No.1l2}14General No.22014 dated 7.10.2014 of Chief Commissioner of Customs, Central Excise and Service, Vizag Zone.
Topography and Accessibility:
Krishnapatnam in Nellore district. This unit extends with Tmandals, this unit stretches from North to South 91kms approximately. Similarly East- st jurisdiction extends up to 34kms beyond Nellore.
Further, the jurisdiction of this unit was changed vide public noti no.171201S-Customs, dated 05.08.2015 issued by Commissioner, CPC, Vijayawada from C.No.Vll/1 812341201S-Cus-Tech. This covers, the coastal Tmandals of kavali, Bogolu, Vidavaluru, Allur, Indukurpet, T.P.Gudur, Muttukur and rresponding inland mandals of Nellore district and Cuddapah, Ananthapur Districts..
lmportant vulnerable points in the jurisdiction
1. Krishnapatnam, 2.lsukapallipallepalem, 3.Nelaturupalem, 4.Thummalapenta.
Marine Police station is situated at lskapalli.
Some lmportant Landing Points:
Chennayapalempattapupalem, Thummalapenta, tichetlapalem, Ramatheertham, Utukuru, lsakapalli, Ramudupalempallipalem, Mypadupattapupalem, Krishnapuram, Kodurupathapalem, Muthyalathopupattapupalem, A tpalem, Nelaturu.
The following are the important canal routes in this jurisdiction Krishnapatnam to Epuru, Nelaturupalem, Pennanal.
Surveillance Activity by SGCP; NELLORE: Visits are being made to the Light House Point (lskapallipallipalem), Marine Police station at ls palli and Krishnapatnam Out Post. Visits are also made to certain vulnerable points / Creeks li Nelaturupalem, Krishnapatnam and also places fike Tummalalpenta, Utukuru, Kudithipalem, Ramathirdam, Epuru. Contacts were being made with lo lfishermen, villagers, Local State Govt. Officials like M.R.OsA/ROA/AO ahd also local Poli Stations.
Two light houses one at lskapalli & other in Krishnapatnam are situated in this jurisdiction.
Some lmportant Sea Shore Fishing villages:
Chennayapalem, Thummalapenta, Lakshmipuram, Aadinarayanapuram, Thatichetlapalem, Aadinaneyapuram, lsukapallipattapupalem, Mypadu, Kollimittapalem, Koduru, Ramalingapuram, Konetimitta.
The Office of the Superintendent of Customs & Central Excise, Shore Guard Customs Preventive Unit, Kakinada, is presently located in the Customs Preventive Division, situated at D.No. 70-3-4814 ABC, Vaidya Nagar, Ramanayyapet, Kakinada. The jurisdiction of S.G.C.P Kakinada falls along the Coastline of the Bay of Bengal in East Godavari District and the name district of Union Territory of Puducherry. lts northern outpopt is Addaripet (Near Tuni) and southern outpost is Godavari Canal at Antarvedi, which is a drain originating from Dowle aram Barage on Godavari River at Rajahmundry and emptying into Bay of Bengal. The jurisdiction of this unit stretches from north to south 162 km approximately (from Addaripet to Antervedi). The
unit has been formed for customs preventive and anti-smuggling work including sea patrolling, coastal patrolling and shore surveillance in 12 coastal mandals of East Godavari District covering 85 coastal villages and the Yanam district under the Union Territory of Puducherry. In the jurisdiction of the SGCP, Kakinada nearly 23 important landing / vulnerable points on which the unit is keeping eyes to avert any type of smuggling, unauthorised entry of boats, persons and goods by way of conducting regular public awareness meetings in the coastal villages along with Coastal Marine Police, Coast Guard, Forest Department and also developing an e ctive informer base. This unit registered two cases on illegal smuggling of scrap and waste oil through coastline.
2. Marine Police Stations: The following are the Coastal Security Police Stations (Marine Police) to cover the entire coastal area falling under the East Godavari District
1. Vakalapudi 2. Odalarevu 3. Antharvedipalem
3. Light Houses:
1. Vakalapudi Light House - F 0964 at Kakinada
2. Sacramento Light House - F 0958 at Bejjavaripet, Kandikuppa
3. Antharvedi Light House - F 0957 at Antharvedipalem.
4 Ports: 1) Kakinada Anchoarge Port
2) Kakinada Deep Water Port
In addition to the above, Ravva (Surasenayanam) in East Godavari District was declared as a Minor Poft vide G.O.Ms.No.19 TR&B (P) Dept., Dt. 30-1-96. it is an off shore single buoy mooring system established about 11 Km, from Surasenayanam shore area for collecting off shore oil from
oil rigs. The above facility is exclusively used for handling of Crude Oil transportation.
5. Goast Guard Station :
One lndian Coast Guard Station was established at Kakinada to guard the sea coast line falling under the di icts of East Godavari and West Godavari.
Future Projects :
1. One Port in between Kakinada and cater the needs of the units coming under the GMR Special Economic Zone and proposed Petroleum, Chemical and Petrochemicals Investment Region (PCPIR), Visakhapatnam.
2. LNG Terminal : One Floating Liquid Natural Gas Terminal is proposed to set up at Kakinada. If itis a Joint Venture between AP government and GAIL, GDF SUEZ and Shell.
3. Dreding Harbour : The central government recently announced to establish a dredging harbor in Antarvedi waters. The centre has allocated Rs 1800 crore to build this Dredging Harbor with international standards.